Our strong House system is an important and integral feature of school life in the Secondary school
There are three houses: Antisana, Cayambe and Illiniza to which students are assigned. There is a House competition each week, ensuring that we come together as a school regularly. The competitions are exceptionally competitive, though our rewards system also contributes to our Houses’ overall success, increasing our students desire to succeed academically.
There are also rewards systems to recognise ongoing achievement, with 'Star of the Week' awards.

The benefits of the whole school House System include:
The system is inclusive of all learners and includes sporting, academic and artistic endeavours.
Promotes positive self-esteem , self-identity, belonging, integrity, teamwork and pride amongst all students.
Peer support to help promote positive mental health and develop a common goal between school staff and students.
Promotion of student responsibility and student voice, cooperation, communication and leadership skills.
Skills valued for job applications and better preparation for future employment.
Constant and consistent encouragement for students to achieve their best.
These Houses compete against each other in a friendly environment. We trust the senior students in each House will look out for the younger ones, enabling the seniors to benefit by learning leadership and organisational skills themselves. When a child joins BSQ they become a member of a particular House along with all the staff in the school.
The aim for all the students in the school is to build up points for their Houses by earning as many "House points" as they can every day, every week and every month and also by playing for their House teams against other House teams at sports and in competitions.