At BSQ all students are unique, all students are valuable and all students learn in a supportive environment.
All students are different and our role is to identify these differences and work with students based on their individual strengths and interests
Learning Support can mean a number of strategies, from differentiation in class to additional resources. The objective is to provide meaningful and equal access to all learning experiences and equal opportunities.

Our best practice includes:
The Teacher, the Student, the parents ORT Caregivers and the SSD working as a team to get to the best possible outcome.
Further Information
Our strategies may include in-classroom observation and support, selected individual targets and action plans and reading, phonics and mathematics interventions. Students will also receive individualised support or counselling if this is required and this intervention will be adapted as the student reaches goals.
We collaborate with external providers to source targeted interventions such as; speech and language therapy, sensory integration therapy, occupational therapy, emotional therapy and learning specialists.
The Student Support Department provides assistance to students with a holistic approach that also takes into account the student's voice.
Our Team:
SENCO - provides assistance to the students who need additional SUPPORT in their academic studies;
Counselling - provides emotional, Family and social support, individual counselling, small group counselling, Life Skills, workshops for teachers and parents;
English as an Additional Language/EAL/Spanish as an Additional Language SAL; the support is grouped according to ability and level.
At BSQ, we believe in and celebrate differences. We are proud to offer individualized and integrated support.
Students with SEN are assessed as per the guidelines for their year group. The attendance of the child at BSQ must be compatible with the provision of efficient education for the children with whom he/she would be educated and or the efficient use of resources.
The British School Quito reserves the right to deny admission to any child who does not meet the school’s admission requirements or when admission into the school is not considered to be in the best interests of the child.