To help make your child's first day at the British School, Quito as exciting as possible, we've collated this checklist.
Click on the appropriate school age below, and you get a list of everything you need to bring. We've also included some general recommendations to make your child's first day run as smoothly as possible.
Early Years Essentials

It is important that both you, and your child are excited about starting your journey with our fantastic Early Years team.
You can begin preparations by talking to your little one about the transition and showing them pictures of their new environment. You can also enlist their help in preparations. Perhaps they can help label their personal items, such as lunch boxes and uniform.
Things to bring to school on your child's first day
-Uniform - please make sure your child comes in their uniform. You can read about and purchase uniforms from Uniform page
-Suitable outdoor clothing - hats, sunscreen and waterproofs depending on the weather
-Suitable outdoor footwear - be this wellington boots or trainers, depending on the weather. To support your child’s autonomy and success to put on and remove their shoes independently please consider using shoes with e.g., velcro, slip-ons
-Sunscreen and sun hats – please carefully apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before drop-off, we will top it up throughout the day. Please also provide a sun hat every day, or you might choose to leave one in school
-Indoor shoes - soft, non-slippery, hard soles. To support your child’s autonomy and success to put on and remove their shoes independently please consider using shoes with e.g., velcro, slip-ons
-A clothes bag - containing a spare change of clothes. Clothes will remain at school unless used. In this case, your teacher will inform you to re-stock the bag
-A toothbrush, small tube of toothpaste in a cup (labelled) - only for Reception students.
-A water bottle - containing fresh water (no sweet juices)
-Book bag - for taking home any books, home-school communication, booklets, or weekly journals. Book bags can be purchased from our Uniform page
Primary Essentials

We hope you and your child are excited about joining our wonderful Primary school community. A world of learning and laughter awaits.
-Uniform - please make sure your child comes in their uniform. You can read about and purchase uniforms from Uniform page
-A water bottle - containing fresh water (no sweet juices)
-Students from Y1-Y2 should also bring:
-Book bag - for taking home any books, home-school communication, booklets, or weekly journals.
-Pencil case that should include:
Black or blue ink writing pens
Pencil sharpener
Small ruler
Small pair of scissors
Set of colour pencils (Felt tip pens are not necessary)
Secondary Essentials
We are delighted that your child will be joining our outstanding Secondary school for this crucial time in their educational journey.
-Uniform - please make sure your child comes in their uniform. You can read about and purchase uniforms from Uniform page
-Laptop or Ipad - we recommend smaller models because they are easier to carry and take up less desk space
-A water bottle - containing fresh water (no sweet juices)
-Pencil case - including but not limited to pencil
-Pen - Black or blue ink writing pens