Students need to feel supported, confident, safe and happy to be able to thrive and excel within education. Across the whole school we aim to support students to achieve their best educationally, socially and emotionally. 

What are we currently doing?

Through the Life Learning Skills programme in secondary and the PSHE curriculum in primary, students are upskilled and encouraged to understand their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. Our school values (respect, determination, ambition, welcoming, happiness and care) are also key drivers in student wellbeing and guide the actions of our school community.

Additionally, through regular student-teacher check-ins and the use of wellbeing surveys, we are able to keep our finger on the pulse of student wellbeing.

We are fortunate to have a Student Support Department (SSD) which incorporates academic and emotional support for students. Our school psychologists work tirelessly to support students with identified needs and those without, to ensure the best possible school experience.